Film Review Classic Movie Club


Join our Classic Movie Club! As our 80th Anniversary approaches in 2024, we’re excited to announce the launch of Film Review’s official Patreon page and the opportunity to become part of an exclusive community of movie lovers.

As a member of Film Review's Classic Movie Club, you'll receive a surprise curated DVD each month, while V.I.P. members receive a Blu-ray (or in some cases a rare or out-of-print DVD each month), plus surprise deliveries of exclusive Film Review merch several times a year! After you join, we’ll send you the club questionnaire, where you can share favourite decades, genres, actors, titles you’re on the hunt for, etc.

Plus, all Classic Movie Club members also get behind-the-scenes access with patron-only insider updates, as well as access to our Film Review Fans private Discord channels and Facebook group where you can chat all things movies with other film fans and one of our editors!

Independently owned and operated publications like Film Review have faced increased challenges in recent years, but we’re committed to keeping our publication free. Your support helps us keep Film Review accessible to all--without paywalls or subscription fees! If you enjoy what we do, please consider becoming a patron today!


  • Anyone in the UK or US is eligible to join. While we don't like excluding anyone, we have to limit the club to the US & UK, as we are only able to source and ship films to these countries.

  • While we would normally define classic as everything released from the birth of cinema in the early 20th century up until 1969, we're taking a little looser definition here to potentially include gems and underrated titles from the 70s-90s. Club members can expect films to include anything that pre-dates the year 2000. That being said, we will look closely to your questionnaire to help us determine the kind of titles you'd prefer--including what decades you're interested in.

  • DVDs/Blu-Rays may be new or gently used. We will not send you something that hasn’t been tested first or is all scratched up, but given that so many titles are now out-of-print, we want to be able to seek out hard to find movies for members!

  • Part of the fun of the club is getting together on our community channels to reveal what film you received in the post! Sometimes we may send out the same title to everyone, the same title to a few, or a completely different title to each member. It will all come down to member preferences, what we're able to source, and what we think you might like best!

  • That's another aspect of the fun! We do ask that members not sell DVDs/Blu-Rays on the community threads, but for those who would like to arrange an even trade, we will create a 'Trade' post on the community channels where members who are interested can work out a deal amongst themselves. It's important to note that Film Review will not be facilitating this, so it's up to members to come to a fair trade arrangement and to use the honour system.

  • Classic Movie Club is a multi-platform project focused on everything related to classic film. In addition to our community for movie lovers via Patreon, we’ve also created a regular monthly podcast available to all, where we’ll be covering home video releases of classic movies and interviewing folks about the classics. The podcast will focus on staying evergreen, with interviews and coverage of classic movies that you can listen to at any time. For news about new releases of classic movies, theatrical re-releases of classics and much more, we encourage you to join the club in earnest and support what we do by visiting us at


John Waters: Pope of Trash│The Academy Museum


Andrzej Żuławski│Eureka Entertainment